
1. v ускользнуть
2. v отводить от себя
3. v уклоняться, увёртываться; избегать

they evaded the real issues — они отворачивались от реальных проблем

evade taxes — уклоняться от уплаты налогов

to evade service — уклоняться от службы

4. v обходить
5. v не поддаваться

notions that evade definition — понятия, не поддающиеся определению

6. v редк. бежать, ускользнуть; совершить побег
7. v спорт. ускользать
8. v спорт. обвести

to evade the block — обходить блок

Синонимический ряд:
1. baffle (verb) baffle; conceal; foil; mystify; screen; trick; veil
2. equivocate (verb) dissemble; equivocate; fence; hedge; lie; pretend; prevaricate; pussyfoot; quibble; shuffle; tergiversate; tergiverse; weasel
3. escape (verb) avoid; bilk; bypass; dodge; double; duck; escape; escape from; eschew; get around; shun; shy; sidestep; side-step
4. lose (verb) elude; lose; shake; throw off
Антонимический ряд:
acknowledge; approach; clarify; confess; confirm; confront; declare; elucidate; encounter; explain; expound; face; illustrate; meet; prove

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "evade" в других словарях:

  • évade — évade …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • évadé — évadé …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • évadé — évadé, ée [ evade ] adj. et n. • 1611; de évader 1 ♦ Qui s est échappé. Des prisonniers évadés. 2 ♦ N. Personne qui s est échappée. ⇒ fugitif. Reprendre, capturer un évadé. ● évadé, évadée adjectif et nom Se dit de quelqu un qui s est évadé de l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • evade — /i vād/ vt evad·ed, evad·ing 1: to unlawfully fail to pay (taxes) through fraudulent or deceptive means compare avoid 2: to avoid answering directly trying to evade the question Merriam Webster’s Dictionary …   Law dictionary

  • evade — e‧vade [ɪˈveɪd] verb [transitive] TAX LAW to not do something that you should do according to the law, for example not paying tax: • He was charged with evading $12.6 million of taxes. compare avoid evasion noun …   Financial and business terms

  • evade — [ē vād′, ivād′] vi. evaded, evading [Fr évader < L evadere < e , out, from + vadere, to go: see WADE] 1. Rare to escape; get away 2. to be deceitful or clever in avoiding or escaping something; use evasion vt. 1. to avoid or escape from by… …   English World dictionary

  • Evade — E*vade (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Evaded}; p. pr. & vb. n.. {Evading}.] [L. evadere, evasum, e out + vadere to go, walk: cf. F. s [ e]vader. See {Wade}.] To get away from by artifice; to avoid by dexterity, subterfuge, address, or ingenuity; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Evade — E*vade , v. t. 1. To escape; to slip away; sometimes with from. Evading from perils. Bacon. [1913 Webster] Unarmed they might Have easily, as spirits evaded swift By quick contraction or remove. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To attempt to escape; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • évadé — évadé, ée (é va dé, dée) part. passé. Qui s est échappé de quelque lieu. Un forçat évadé du bagne.    Substantivement. On a repris les évadés …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Évadé — (franz., »Ausgerissener, Entsprungener«), ursprünglich verächtliche Bezeichnung, die den katholischen Priestern beigelegt wurde, die ihr Amt niederlegten und den Priesterrock auszogen; dann von diesen selbst als Ehrenname angenommen, um sich als… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • evade — 1510s, escape, from M.Fr. evader, from L. evadere to escape, get away, from ex away (see EX (Cf. ex )) + vadere to go, walk (see VAMOOSE (Cf. vamoose)). Related: Evaded; evading. Special sense of esc …   Etymology dictionary

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